Selection of picture book illustrations.
Climate Change
Brief from Pathways into Children's publishing program. Illustrating a climate change theme text. I explored the way I incorporate print making into illustration practice.
What happened to Rose?
Picture book illustration.
Whta's the password
Nature in the city
As part of the Pathways into Children’s Publishing course, I created a concertina silent book based on the theme “nature in the city.” Inspired by my local area, it features cohabiting plants and small species, with one side showing a daytime scene and the reverse a nighttime scene.
Character Design
As part of the character design brief for the Pathways into Children’s Publishing course, we were given a text to inspire a character.
Hiragana and Katakana print
Hiragana and Katakana phonics chart, illustrated for easy and fun learning. Printed in two colour layers with Riso, combining playful references to make it both engaging and educational.
City Slickats
Inspired by London life. A bustling bus filled with diverse characters, each absorbed in their own activities, while keeping a sense of social sophistication.
My first broccoli
This is an exercise in understanding sequences of events, focusing on 'before' and 'after.' It explores the courage needed to face something unfamiliar and overcome the initial fear. I've noticed that fear is one of the most impactful experiences for very young children.